Connecting Care for Children
After the development of the Connecting Care for Children project by Imperial College, London, TLC hosted two of the first three pilot sites in West Hampshire, working with Paediatricians from Royal Hampshire County Hospital and Health Visitors and School Nurses from Southern Health Foundation Trust.
The aim is to bring health professionals who look after children together to provide a more joined up service, but out of the usual hospital outpatient setting, making access easier and more familiar for our families. Paediatricians run clinics alongside local GPs in their surgeries, sharing knowledge and experience together and delivering excellent care for young people. The pilots in Eastleigh and Chandlers Ford have been so successful that West Hampshire CCG has commissioned the service across every Primary Care Network in the South West.
The Connecting Care for Children Hubs have been well received by patients and clinicians alike locally and in May 2019, our Chandlers Ford service was visited by the Chief Executive of the NHS, Sir Simon Stevens. A report has also been published in the British Journal of General Practice that highlights the service as a model for transforming the way healthcare services are provided in the future, brining more specialist care out of hospitals and linking hospital staff more closely with their community colleagues.
Healthier Together
Local Paediatricians have created a fabulous resource for parents and local clinicians. The Healthier Together website is used by our staff in the Connecting Care for Children Hubs and also staff across the community to support families in caring for their children. If you have any questions about your child's symptoms, please try this site as a first option.
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