TLC has a duty of care to protect the children we work with and is committed to a best practice which safeguards children and young people irrespective of their background, and which recognises that a child may be abused regardless of their age, gender, religious beliefs, racial origin or ethnic identity, culture, class, disability or sexual orientation.
TLC provides in-house learning opportunities and appropriate child protection training to all staff and partners and is committed to implementing this policy. This policy addresses the responsibilities of all employees and will be made widely accessible to staff and partners and reviewed annually or following legislation changes.
Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Website
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and aims to protect people's health, wellbeing and human rights, and enable them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. TLC will fulfil their legal duties and statutory responsibilities effectively in accordance with safeguarding adult procedures of Hampshire Local Safeguarding Adult Board which has collaboratively with IOW Southampton and Portsmouth developed the 4LSAB Multi-Agency policy and guidance.
Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board Website
Hampshire County Council Website has further information on Safeguarding Adults and includes a short video on recognising and reporting concerns about abuse.
All TLC staff are aware that they are responsible for safeguarding. Dr Ed Porter is a local GP and sits on the TLC Board as Safeguarding Lead, providing support to staff and guidance for the services that TLC provides, ensuring that the guidance and policies are upheld.

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